They say that change is as good as a holiday and changing your office rental in Brisbane represents a great opportunity to create a new atmosphere within your work environment. If productivity isn’t what it should be, a fresh and dynamic office space in Brisbane might prove to be the elixir. For any business, whether they are just starting out, changing location or staying put, there are a few productivity destroyers that can be identified and remedied to get the most out of your office environment.
This may sound vague at first, but companies sometimes take on an all-encompassing and negative atmosphere. Resentment, distrust and cynicism can quickly take hold and spread through an office space in Brisbane. Such negative spaces are never productive environments and they are also extremely unpleasant to work in. If you have identified this atmosphere in your workplace, a top down approach will likely be the most effective strategy to reverse the trend. If directors, managers and senior staff can inspire confidence, trust and cooperation, the office mood can be turned around just as quickly as it degenerated.
As in all walks of life, listening is one of the greatest communication tools that can be applied in a Brisbane office space, but as in all walks of life, it is often executed poorly. Individuals tend to place greater value on their own opinions than those of others and expect their ideas to be received accordingly. The cumulative effect of this self-bias is that you can have entire workplaces where there is plenty of talking, but no listening. Everyone in your leased office space in Brisbane was hired because they presumably have something to offer and it is important to recognise their ideas and contributions. By taking a little time and making a little effort to listen attentively you will foster a cooperative workplace and encourage creativity and innovation.
All too often, the processes and procedures of office spaces haven’t evolved alongside the environments themselves. Strict regulations and standardised practices may work on an assembly line or in a bygone era, but they stifle creativity and lead to unproductivity in office spaces in Brisbane. The greatest resource in any work environment is the staff, so ensure they are given the freedom to think outside the box and innovate without the red tape or restrictions.
In our next blog we’ll explore some other aspects of your office space in Brisbane that may be in need of a little work.