The Dos and Don’ts for Workplace Productivity (Part 2)

Home The Dos and Don’ts for Workplace Productivity (Part 2)

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In the previous blog we discussed a few of the primary influences on workplace productivity. Corporate House, the leading provider of leased office space in Brisbane, have identified more of these aspects of the business world and we’d like to share them in the hope that you can maximise both your workplace output and employee satisfaction.

Information worship

In the digital world, it is easy to get carried away with the evolution of technology and the great mass of data and statistics that are gathered every minute of every day. Without a doubt, this information can be of great benefit to the majority of modern businesses, but people power shouldn’t be an underestimated force in any office space in Brisbane. IT systems and information shouldn’t replace people; rather they should facilitate collaboration and the growth of your business.

Innovation should be commonplace

While ‘eureka’ moments are great in any workplace environment, they should be an everyday reality rather than a once every now and then occurrence. Often, a business develops and implements one great idea but rests on its laurels afterward. The occasional brilliant strategy or development should not be confused with a culture of innovation. Innovation should be rewarded and encouraged in your office space in Brisbane until it becomes embedded in the environment. Management should also acknowledge that inspiration is unpredictable and embrace a diverse range of opinions to get the most from their staff.

Valuing work

There are few things more disheartening for a staff member than when they feel that their working day is an endless succession of mundane tasks that will invariably go unnoticed by their colleagues. In such situations, often the only acknowledgement is of a negative nature when a task is not performed to the standard demanded by the company. This creates an extremely negative environment that makes the working hours seem pointless. Minimal reward or acknowledgement is often met my minimal effort. It is amazing how far a word of thanks or a gesture of appreciation can go. These small efforts that may take just a few seconds or cost a small amount of money can be a huge motivational boost for staff in office space in Brisbane.

All of the suggestions we have offered in this and the previous blog are relatively simple to implement. They generally only require a change in attitude that will greatly influence the happiness, productivity and innovation of a working space. Taking up a new office rental in Brisbane can help improve the working environment, but these aspects of business culture that we’ve discussed can be applicable anywhere.

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