In the previous blog, we discussed a few ways to make your meetings more productive. There are more ways to optimise the time spent in conference rooms in Brisbane and the Gold Coast though, so we have compiled a second set of suggestions.
Start and end on time
Everybody’s time is valuable and if you are responsible for a meeting, you shouldn’t be responsible for wasting it. If you are punctual with your start and finishing times, your staff will appreciate your commitment and repay it in kind. Few things in a meeting are more distracting than clock watching. Everyone in attendance will likely be keeping a close eye on the time and every minute over will be met with the increasingly glazed eyes of bored staff or panicked expressions of those who have other tasks to attend to. If you consistently start and finish on time, your staff will be more receptive to being summoned to the conference room in Brisbane and will show increased focus during your meetings.
No phones
Unless they are necessary, it is a good idea to ban phones and restrict any extraneous use of technology in conference rooms in Brisbane or the Gold Coast. Switching on phones generally leads to switching off from meeting content. As great as technology is, it is also extremely distracting and a loss of concentration and contribution greatly detracts from the value of any meeting.
Follow up
Because we are all unique individuals, we may have vastly different interpretations of what took place in a meeting. Combine your goals from before the meeting and your notes from during to create a summary of what happened, what was accomplished, what still needs to be accomplished and how to proceed. Send this via email to everyone who was in the conference venue in Brisbane to ensure they are all on the same page and know what their role moving forward is.
There is no reason why your meetings can’t become productive, with valuable contributions, important insights from staff members and new collective and individual goals set. That is, after all, what meetings are supposed to be for and why you organise them in the first place. The above tips will hopefully be of use and allow you to maximise the value of your time in conference venues in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and elsewhere. Contact Corporate House for more information!